Sunday, 14 June 2009

could you please be good, just this time?

i know youve been with me alla time,
and i thank you for that.
really loves your company.
i like to trace my finger on your body,
tap on your....ehem.
and i know you like my touch, (smile)
you keeps me awake at night
(dont tell me you forgot our sleepless night)
i just never grew bored of you. i love you.

but dear, could you please let me know
things that made you cold lately.
i didnt wanna replace you. nope.

sbab aku takde duet weyh nk beli laptop baru. wawawawawawawa.... T__T

Now neh aku dah saket kpale sbab tahan diri dari mengamuk, (dah lame kot tak rs nk burst camneh). Tapi takkan la aku nk burst kat laptop neh kan. haiya. Dah la aku kat libry neh. Serious aku takleh buat esaimen lagi neh. maybe not until ptg neh sbab mood aku dah takde. Oleh itu, im just gonna go back, and on laptop lagi skali and transfer segale yg patut ke hard drive (ke hard disk???), and email (in case takleh detect HD aku). walau selame mane pun ia mengambil mase. Sambil2 tuh aku nk basuh baju, mandi...blablabla...mintak2 beetho dtg, bleh aku dukung2 die...sabar tiku sabar. Pastuh aku nk bace Harry Potter, and buat esaimen dengancara traditional: tules tangan! tata~

Eyh, chup! Rasulullah ade pesan kat sahabat: 'jangan marah'.

Kenape marah tak brape best?

Marah-jantung pam darah laju-cepat la darah ngalir to parts of body.organ2 berfungsi dengan cepat (taktawu la nk kate effective ke) - excrete hormone yg banyak..hormone2 yg berlebihan weakens immune system - penyakit lah ape lah.lagipun, kalau marah..muke berkedut. haiya. nk awet mude tak? oleh itu, aku nk balek mandi. semoge sejuk sikit. kalau tak sejuk jugak, aku nk tido. semoge bangun nnt aku ok.

erm..btw, kalau korang nk buat amal jariah, boleh la sedekat sepound due kat aku buat tabungan beli laptop. Eish, Siyes aku nk nanges. dah. bye.


anum said...

sedekah singget bole? heee

awatif 'adilah atan said...

bole weyh. itu duet jgak kan?? hehehehe

anum said...

ok nnt aku bg

awatif 'adilah atan said...

lebiu! kek choc ko mmg best! kem salam mak ko...rindu mak ko...