note: this is quite a long post, take ur time...
Assalamualaikum and Hello....(Ho Ho Ho)
Christmas is around the corner, but i havent done my christmas shopping. nah, kidding. i aint got no shopping to do. eh, ckp pasal xmas plak, raye haji tanak crite?? psst: come closer. nk cite neh.
owh. besok dah raye ek. ok2, balek keje trus iron baju kurung and tudung. excited neh nk g raye. smayang subuh sume, trus lelap. hasnul kacau kul 8.45. urgh. too tired nk bangun. umah pon sunyi. lelap lagi. then i woke up...OMG. 12.30. aduh mak. dah terlepas raye. in short, i missed raya sbab i bangun lambat, and tghari tuh tak buat ape, just buat esaimen TSLD04 aje. emailed dr.z, cerite pasal raya, and she asked me to get an alarm clock. haha. i have my phone, just tak bleh bangun.
the current situation is like this: i am no longer working at The Plymouth Herald (that newspaper company..this is my first job). I was terminated because of the economic recession. but before that, while working there, i sent my cv to a few places, and i got a place at The Nuffield Hospital. i was thinking of getting that as my second job, but then since i was terminated from Minster Cleaning(The Herald), Nuffield has become my first job. However, i am currently working at Royal Mail as a Xmas Casual Worker. while working at Royal Mail, i tak keje la dekat Nuffield. It is because i am a casual..meaning i am not tied to scheduled working hours. i think this type of work suits me well. sbab i am the person who takes her own sweet time. i tak suke keje pressure...nnt i stress. wakakaka. 'stress la!', kate tiku. heh. nnt la kite cite nape tiku tak suke keje under stress.
Ok, back to ROYAL MAIL. i work there from 2230 till 0630. sometimes if i work overtime, i work from 1800 to 0630. but the thing is, klu nk bt ot, silelah kuat. haha. i dah habis mendenda diri sendri (i denda diri sendri bt ot 3 hari sbab i nakal). insyaAllah ade kudrat, tiku bt la ot lagi. insyaAllah sabtu neh ot but 8 hours je la. from 2200 to 0600. The thing is, i dah maken berat hati nk g keje. wanna know why? (of course u do, or else u wont be reading this). sbab the more i spend time with seniors, the more i get to know them. and the more i get to know them, i get sad. coz theyll be leaving. nnt klu i penat2 kat royal mail tuh, i nak kacau sape? i will miss the sight of 5 taxi lining up to fetch 20 sumtin of us. i will definitely miss the sight of break time. full of Malaysians. when they go back, only 10 of us left. alah....manager pon comfirm rase sunyi. haih la seniors....i cant see you off coz ill be working at that time. aiyak. takpelah kan, i wish you all the best in everything. kejap sangat jumpe...gonna mish you much. take care!
the two angels has gone back to malaysia on 8th december. its only me and zati in the house. feels like living in two different house coz we seldom met.
0800-1300: tiku tido, zati bangun kul 1100 kot.
1300-1530: kami memasak...'kami' lah sangat, 'die' lagi sesuai kot
1530-1730: tiku mandi, basuh baju ke hape...zati kat bilik
1730-2200: tiku, zati g keje
2200-0700:tiku still keje, zati tido
0700-0800: tiku balek keje, zati still tido.
this routine goes on until weekend. haih. sian la zati. dah la asek makan tak pedas.'weh, ko mesti sunyi aku takde kan...nnt kite tgk gossip artis eh'. haha. itulah keje off-task zati.
ceh, balek msia je dah cite kat aku pasal makanan. ingat aku heran ke? (heran weh...aku perut2 western pn, msia ttp di hati). hana first day dah buzz aku sbab die jetlag. haha...gelakkan hana! si nadhirah plak, dok nk kuar duet gune kad lloyds takleh. hahaha...gelakkan nad pulak! ko saje eh nad, saje la tuh nk post2 pasal msia kat blog. ingat aku tak penah dok sane ke...asal aku bangun tido je....'isk..ape la aktiviti budak berdua tuh...' takpe, kompem penuh la jadual. weh, aku beli barang royal albert...hahaha. aku ngan zati beli pinggan mangkuk...wkakaka...macam makcik2...haih...takpelah. berbahagia la kamu berdua kat msia...asal bawak balek buah tangan kat aku..ill be fine. wakakaka.
just finished watching the movie..urgh. why on earth Georgina dont want to pursue her love with Charles Grey?? ' coz she loved him so much, and she doesnt want his dream to crash' 'and she loves her child too'. but then, apsal that Duke of devonshire is soo 'hellish'. perangai takleh blah eh. he married to get a son, if its a daughter, he just glance, and go. didnt pay attention to her daughter. the issues of how cruel life can be is endless. go on, watch it for yourself. chup2...that Charles Grey tak ensem, but there is something about him (my personal view) ne yo's miss independent. "there is something about 'him'...". one thing i like the most about the movie is the language. wah. ala2 jane austin gitu. jane goody2...heh.
last weekend, my coach aka my lecturer aka apeapelah...visited me in Plymouth. alhamdullillah akhirnya sampai jugak..takde la lame die dtg, tapi cukup la utk menyakat2..hhaha.
to people, i mish you lah...tapi tak sempat nk bertanya khabar...tiku ingat je sume owang, tapi tak sempat.