Thursday, 29 October 2009

Owh Tomok...

I was listening to Exist's Diranta Digelangi Rindu when suddenly this thought popped in. "I wanna watch Exist's vids on Youtube". This act then led me to Rahsia Pohon Cemara, and on the side bar, there was a link to Tomok's performance on OIAM. He sang Rahsia Pohon Cemara, of course. Do you want to know what i think? He's nice. I mean, the way he sang that song. OK. Good. (Nad's gonna grin reading this). Well,next. I think he's cute. Okay la. But then. Aha. This made me write this post. I was imagining, what if suddenly this country was invaded? What if, suddenly seruan Jihad untuk mempertahankan agama itu datang secara tiba2? (Owh, i am going to be bombarded...coz the calls are there already lah tiku). I mean, what if all those things ive been reading, like the war that is currently happening in Palestine happens in beloved Malaysia? are we going to be able to be in the frontline, dengan hati yang sedikit pon tidak gentar berhadapan musuh...semate2 untuk mempertahankan agama Allah? Bagaimana kita, the youngsters yang selama ini hidup dengan Melodi (Tiku), One in A Million (Tiku), segala hiburan yang memang sangat seronok (Tiku lagi)...akan bermujahadah?

Ya Allah, saat ini, hati rasa mcm dicarik dengan besi tajam yang panas. Perut rasa menggelegak sebab saya takut. Again, sorry to take Tomok as an example, bukan ape...sbab video youtube yg saya tgk tadi melambangkan the youths kat Malaysia, termasuk saya, of course. Oklah sayangs...jangan pandang jauh. Tgk diri sendiri. Sejauh mana kita, saya mewakili an-nisa menjaga pandangan mata kita dan hati kita sewaktu bershopping. Saya kalau masuk sports world ttba rasa perlu semua benda. Bila browse Clarks, suddenly sy rasa saya tak cukup kasut. Bila saya browse adidas, royal rasa semua itu sangat2 saya perlukan.

Astaghfirullah. memang. Dunia ini sangat ini, menarik...menggoda. Sungguh, menahan nafsu itu sangat2 susah. Sangat susah. Sangat.

people are naturally tempted by the lure of women, children, treasures of gold and silver. horses of mark, cattle and plantation. These are the enjoyments in the life of this world;but with Allah lies a goodly abode to return to. (Ali Imran:14)

memang. Kita semua mahukan syurga. Saya ingin berehat di syurga. Saya ingin di sana, sebagai reward atas segala yang saya kerjakan di sini. Tapi sejauh mana kita telah menahan nafsu, sejauh mana kita menjaga hati kita, to keep ourselves entitle us to this permanent success? Layakkah kita? How hard and how far have we strive for Jannah?

Allah...forgive us that we have wronged ourselves. We hold on to your Guide, to lead us to Jannah. Forgive us and our parents, for the excess we have commited. Truly, You are the Magnificent.